Thursday, November 30, 2006

*&@$%$ Road Runner! I lost my post

I spent one and a half hours of precious time writing a post and it got eaten up by the evil internet connection failure. Frustrated does not even begin to describe how I feel right now. Damn you stupid road runner!!


Anonymous said...

This probably has nothing to do with your connection problems but perhaps you need to change your web-browser.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the road runner the thing that runs away from the coyote and goes "beep beep!!"

Anonymous said...

Hah! Road Runner must be the Jaring of America. Log on for 5 minutes and get disconnected.

Anonymous said...

Dude.... where's the food? Seems like you people haven't eaten anything for like a week!

TrueBluePenangite said...

I finished a post on a little cafe called Beans and Barley, hit the publish button and then saw the "page not found" appear. That's when a cold chill ran down my back. A few seconds later, I knew that I had lost my post to cyberspace forever. And I wrote the post with a raging headache as well. I've just changed my browser to Mozilla Firefox. It seems to work a lot better.

Yea...the mascot for road runner is also the same one as the cartoon because it's owned by Time Warner Cable. Beep Beep!

We are eating junk this week and I am too ashamed to blog it.